A School Is Not A Prison

Ralph Azar
2 min readFeb 19, 2024

Whenever people around me find out that I work in education (or EdTech to be more exact), the conversation turns into complaining about the education system. I admit that I also criticize the education system in general and that we need to improve it; but I do that in a constructive way with the aim to make things better, and not bitching for the sake of bitching.

A couple of weeks ago, I was in a similar conversation and then a couple of days ago I came across this picture:

And NO!!! Hell no! A school is not a prison, so for all those idiots drawing this comparison, please, for the love of God, just shut up!

So, to those who see school as a prison oppressing success and creativity, please reconsider. School is the foundation of education, where essential knowledge and skills are acquired. While some systems may seem restrictive, many teachers foster and encourage creativity and critical thinking. School also provides opportunities for personal growth and social interaction.

In the same sense, teachers and principals are far from being prison guards and wardens. Teachers are the finest human beings in the world. They sacrifice on daily basis to make our kids better human beings too.

Did you know that Jesus Christ was referred to as Teacher by his disciples?

Did you know that Prophet Mohammed was also referred to as a teacher?

Every great person who ever walked God’s green earth taught us something; Thomas Edison, Nicola Tesla, Isaac Newton, Gebran Khalil Gebran, William Shakespeare… your parents and their lifetime of wisdom to share… even though none of those were teachers per se, they all taught us something.

While some criticisms are valid, dismissing education overlooks its role in empowering individuals and shaping society. So, rather than condemning schools entirely, let’s work together to improve it, ensuring it nurtures success and creativity for all.

Well folks, with this Verbal Breakdown, till the next one, keep it safe, keep it real, and keep it simple.


Disclaimer: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this article belong solely to the author, and not to the author’s employer, organization, committee, or other group or individual.



Ralph Azar

EdTech Specialist ♦ Contribute to Student Success with Capacity Building, Fostering Practical Skills ♦ Create Programs for Learning & Development