Hello Silence, My Old Friend.

Ralph Azar
2 min readJun 5, 2023


We all know the saying,

“Speech is silver, silence is gold.”

But has any of us ever truly taken it to heart?

Today was a sort of a semi-rest day after 4 days of long hours and utter stress. Thankfully, everything was completed ahead of time, and we can now relax and get ready for the next steps. So today, I spent almost all day by myself and rediscovered silence.

I’ve always known that staying quiet is better than speaking. But sometimes the gift of gab gets the better of us and we ramble on with so much bullshit that we forget where the story began… and if it ever had a point to start with!

“The quietest person in the room is usually the strongest.”

(or some derivation thereof!)

To be honest, I’ve always thought about that saying and decided to dig deep into it, and today, of all days, seems the right one to do it in.

I wrote about several events in my life in my Verbal Breakdown articles, and like many, my life has been shaped by challenge, disappointment, sadness, failure, success, triumph, happiness, etc.; and through it all, and without noticing, silence was my only friend

So, here are a few things I’ve learned:

Silence in times of need is… pride.

Silence in times of happiness is… empathy.

Silence when provoked is… benevolence.

Silence in triumph is… confidence.

Silence in loss is… triumph.

Silence in sadness and desperation is… patience… that God will reward you for.

Do not talk unless talking is better than silence. Silence is gold. Be patient, there will be time to speak.

Well folks, this was my Verbal Breakdown, till the next one, keep it safe, keep it real, and keep it simple.


Disclaimer: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this article belong solely to the author, and not to the author’s employer, organization, committee, or other group or individual.



Ralph Azar

EdTech Specialist ♦ Contribute to Student Success with Capacity Building, Fostering Practical Skills ♦ Create Programs for Learning & Development