Lessons From Dogs

Ralph Azar
2 min readMay 21, 2024

We have a Golden Retriever called Chester, and about 10 cats… not gonna talk about those, I don’t like cats very much! However, Chester, he’s something else!

Since we’ve had him, I observed his behavior a lot and there’s a thing or two to be learned from our furry philosophers, they are the real gurus of living in the moment. These creatures have mastered the art of seizing the day like it’s the last bone on earth. So, what can we learn from our tail-wagging, tennis ball-chasing friends? I will stop at 3 lessons today!

Lesson 1: Living In The Moment

Dogs don’t give a rat’s ass about tomorrow (no pun intended). They’re too busy sniffing butts and chasing toys in the now. You won’t catch a dog stressing about that vet appointment next week… no sir, they’re too busy rolling on the carpet and soaking up the sun on the balcony like there’s no tomorrow. And you know what? Maybe we should take a hint. Why worry about the future when you could be chasing your own tail in the present?

Lesson 2: Enthusiasm

You ever notice how a dog’s whole body wiggles with excitement when you walk through the door? You could leave to grab something from the car and come back in 2 minutes, and they’ll act like you’re the sausage God! It’s like they’ve been waiting their whole lives for this moment, and nothing can dampen their spirits. Maybe we should all greet each other like long-lost pals every time we meet. Who knows, we might just wag our way to world peace.

Lesson 3: Adventure For The Unknown

Let’s talk about car rides. Dogs don’t care where they’re going; they just wanna go. You could tell them they’re headed to the moon, and they’d be first in line at the rocket ship. It’s not about the destination; it’s about the wind in their fur and the slobber on the window. So, next time you’re feeling stuck in life’s traffic jam, just remember we’re all just along for the ride, and it’s up to us to stick our heads out the window and enjoy the breeze!

In a nutshell, dogs teach us to love without limits, to forgive without reason, to understand without words, to live in the present, and to be loyal and trustworthy. There you go!

Well folks, with this Verbal Breakdown, till the next one, keep it safe, keep it real, and keep it simple.


Disclaimer: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this article belong solely to the author, and not to the author’s employer, organization, committee, or other group or individual.



Ralph Azar

EdTech Specialist ♦ Contribute to Student Success with Capacity Building, Fostering Practical Skills ♦ Create Programs for Learning & Development